Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Let's bring the blessings in

It's been a long time since I found my something better.  I initiated this blog, #1.  I am a grandmother with concerns about my granddaughters.  I am taking care of them, they are with me, while their mother isn't and I need to express myself before they grow up and begin a life of repeating the mistakes of the history of family members that are having difficulty, and I need the world to know like I know, that without a Spiritual relationship with a God who knows more about life than I do, I need to express that while I am still able to make sense of it all, I am here for them, like my husband, to make them viable members of society.

It's been so unfortunate for my little girls to have to suffer without their parents, and to have to lean on the hand and arms of someone that is literally an antique.

I've pretty much lived two thirds of my life, and now I'm responsible for the lives of more children.  Now if they weren't my granddaughters would I take such a delivering hand with little ones?  Or, would I allow them to enter into a system that is meant to separate them from each other, and not care.  I care, so ... here I am, them in a bedroom down the hall, sleeping soundly, knowing that Grandma will be there when they wake up, and Granddaddy will always take care of them, despite the turmoil that causes them stress.

I am here, and my husband is here to make them into viable persons in our society, no matter the political canvas, no matter the global situation, and certainly no matter the friends that tease them because they live with grandma.  This is not an end, but rather a beginning of what's going to bring them through without many deep scars because no matter what, they are loved.

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