Saturday, October 15, 2011


"The man who does not read good
books has no advantage over the
man who cannot read them."
- Mark Twain

I am in the throes of a book entitled Creative Journal Writing by Stephanie Dowrick.  A very good read so far, easy to comprehend and follow, and everything seems to be like an echo in my spirit, as I read the pages that describe my journaling life. Since I have been journaling on and off for more than 20 years I feel equally accomplished at the task of putting what is in my heart right down on the page.  Sometimes it's just a few words, and sometimes it's many, but however many words, it's a release from my spirit to the world around me.  I feel very accomplished, very happy, and totally satisfied with myself, despite my circumstances. 
The other day I had to run out to the store and pick up some vegetables and fruit; and on my way out, as I was pulling away from the store, I saw a Sister and her sister or friend walking to their vehicle, and as I watched them as they crossed in front of my vehicle, just for a moment, I felt a sadness come over me.  Of course, the moment that happens, I begin praying, but I found myself feeling sad for me.  Maybe because I don't have any money to dress that nicely, maybe because I never had a sister, or even a good friend that I could go to the store with.  I have been living away from my family for more than 12 years, and have yet to find that kind of friend.  So, as I watched them pass,  I began to pray, and feel the circumstances of being unemployed.  Not that being unemployed is bad, but let's face it, working for money is where I have come up short for more years than I care to remember.  Being unemployed means watching the means you have very closely, and getting away from the creditors that try to suck and drain your hard earned money for their benefit.  
But I digress, as I was grateful for them, sister to sister, having someone to share a trip to the store with is truly a gift.  And by the time I pulled up to the curb side with no oncoming traffic, pulling into the turning lane, I looked at the car in front of me, with only 1 (one) passenger, the car on the side of me, (1) one person, and the car across the street waiting for the traffic light, another single person in the car, I didn't feel so alone, and I felt grateful to have seen the sisters together.  And by that time, was able to pray to God through Christ for the privilege of having seen them, sharing.
Good thing for journaling, because now that I have written that moment down, it makes it even more edifying, and I know that I am OK. 
Writing to Live, Living to Write

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