Times are difficult no doubt, and getting even more complicated as each day passes, as the Race for the White House continues. I know that some weeks back, I wanted to turn the news off, and not watch it anymore. Afterall, I know who I am voting for. But I couldn't turn it off, and in fact found more information that I even know what to do with watching the various news programs and online.
While it's true, I support Barack Obama, watching the early Sunday Morning Program Meet the Press featuring Colin Powell was ever more refreshing. A person of his stature weighing in about the political goings on of both campaings was great, even necessary.
And his endorsement of Obama just gave me cause to shout! YEAH!
I am so excited. And now in the news everyone is of course weighing in about what they think about it, and from what I have seen, the odds are overwhelmingly positive.
I couldn't be happier about Mr. Powell's endorsement.
On to the other events in my life... My daughter turned 28 last week. She's nearly 7 months pregnant, and it's getting to her the weight of her next child. But she's still smiling and pulling for Obama, Yeah! Amani is growing, she now has two teeth.
Joe is smiling! And becoming more involved in the conversation.
My son, and Joe's mom, got married last month. Yeah! He's my first child to get married... and I have had to explain to him, that once you get married we don't do divorce, so he and her are working hard at keeping things together, and believe me, they have their hands full with 3 boys, ranging in age from 6 (six) to 3 (three) months. I am quite proud of him, and look forward to a long loving relationship with my new daughter in law.
And then there's me... who has spent much of this year working... part time, but working none the less... am still working. And since last week I got paid, I have to admit that I love getting paid. I am a little sorry to not have all the time that I'd like keeping up with me blogs, but I am going to try to keep things going a little better. I am working so hard at keeping up... but arthritis is currently my delima. And Aleve is my answer for that.
We're into a complete new football season, and I can't pay too much attention due to watching all the news programs, but I am knitting again! Yeah! The vogue scarf that I am working on is nearly done. And when I am done, it's going to be so great, because I have soo many other projects to work on. But it's going to be great!
Have a great week.
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