It is done. It's Christmas Eve, and besides many stuck in airports due to weather, many have just had their electricity restored, and many are digging out of snow, to make Christmas happen, it's here. Whether you are ready or not. Now the miracles happen. The kindnesses that are extended beyond being nice.
I believe that today must be the most magical day, because once the actual Christmas day arrives, there's a lull that you feel after all the gifts are opened, and the kids are off playing with their gifts.
I was working on knitting projects that got put on hold due to Holiday shopping that was put off to the last minute. But, the best thing about knitting is that it doesn't go anywhere until I get back to it... So next year I'll be a little more ready.
All the cooking to do is now taking precedence so there's absolutely no more time to shop, hoping that you can pick up that one gift that will make the difference. I pray that families will look past the gifts to the thoughts that Love started it all.
A love bigger than we could ever know. The love of God for His most prized possession. YOU AND ME! Because He loved us so, He put on the flesh and endured the life in flesh to be crucified, and Risen again to conquer death. Yes, I am talking about our Lord Christ Jesus Himself. Glory Hallelujah:) I get excited when I Praise His Name. But I hope that the smiles and hugs all hold that special love for mankind that allows us all to endure for just a while longer, before we start worrying again about our money, the economy, and the next year.
So, relax, it is done. Smile, it is done. Praise Him. It is done. Now go hug all your friends and loved ones and don't worry. IT IS DONE!