Well, what do ya know? I've got time, two days in a row!
Just so happen that yesterday I spent time visiting with my daughter, and grand daughters, and I got pictures!:) So here's a picture of the most recent addition to our family, Anyiah, and her sister Amani.
She really smiled so much bigger than that, but of course, I didn't move fast enough!
Soon, I've got to get ready for work. Right now, I am trying to decide what I am going to wear. Because I never know, until I actually look in my closet. And with the hair thing not working these days, it's unknown, but hopefully it will all come together.
Working for a bank, they always strive for professional dress. But I think I would rather dress more casual... just dressy shoes and that does the job. Or dress up blouse, and that works, or adding a scarf. Either way it goes, I think Capri pants would work today, but due to a cold front coming, maybe not so smart today!
Going to get ready for work...Enjoy your day, and keep smiling!