Good Morning,
It's been a few days now since my last loggin, and since I didn't get any comments on the cute shoes, I thought I would come back in and make comments myself.
My daughter doesn't live with me anymore. So, I don't see my grand daughter as often as I use to. I haven't seen her since Tuesday, and then she was anxious to get home to her baby sister and her mother! The nice part about that is that she's spent such a small time with her mother in the past 3 years. I have been taking care of her for nearly 3 (three) years, and now my daughter steps in and starts taking responsibility for her, and I am just not in the picture. For me, the time has come now when I get to be a grand mother. Don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy about that, but I am feeling a bit of the empty nest syndrome. But I am thankful that I have so many other interests and hobbies.
I am pretty sure that this is normal. I can think off all those days that I wanted to write, or read, or just be quiet, and now I can. The quietness that I was so seeking is such a pleasure right now. I am knitting a Vogue scarf, and it's wonderful to just sit quietly and knit.
This month is Jazz Appreciation month. I hope that you enjoy your jazz! I certainly do!