What? I have been very busy. My son has been occupying a great deal of my life since his hospital stay, but not just that. I do have 2 (two) other kids, and several grandchildren, and a part time job. And to top all of this off, I have Osteoporosis; severly... In that I already lost one vertabrae bone and had it replaced with some of my own morrow with new titanium screws to hold it all together.
I get tired. Easily. But I will try harder to keep up with what I want to relay on my own little bloggosphere. Like, recently, when Michael Jackson died we had a very difficult time around my house. And it's funny, because we never discussed Michael Jackson unless we were listening to his music and having a good time. So, of course, we were very saddened about the King of Pop passing on. But at this point, I feel that the media needs to get out of his children's lives. They are far too much in the media, and Michael Jackson would not have wanted that. That's why he kept his kids sheltered. It's just too much:(
Let's see...another story I heard recently was about a sports figure who was Married to one person, being killed by a girlfriend, and then she took her own life.
I hear this all the time, about a man taking the lives of all the people in his family, and then taking his own life. Is that so that he won't have to answer the question, WHY? I don't really know, but I really get so upset at hearing about someone taking their life... because I have to get up each and every day and find a reason to go on; every single day. Some days are good, and some days are not so good, but the day passes just like the sun over the horizon, and guess what, after a good nights sleep I always feel better.
What else is in the news that I heard about? Oh...President Obama had a 4th of July Barbeque at the White House on the 4th... now that's really old news, but since I don't recall hearing about a barbeque on the white house lawn before, it's refreshing.
Well, I have to start getting ready for tomorrow. I got a few words that are important to me on blog, will try to get more before long.
Have a good night!:)