It's been a while I know. I have been doing ok. Just working at staying in the game, and not desiring to lose my job or my current life style. I am grateful I assure to even have a job, no matter how mundane it may seem. After sitting at home for more than five years, I sometimes have to remind myself that I do like going out to earn a living, because when I stayed at home trying the various internet opportunities, I only got myself into trouble.
I am working on becoming a better photographer. Hence, the picture of the rose. I really enjoy my time spent behind my camera lens. And that brings me to the point of having photos printed. If you are looking for the least expensive quality pictures, check out Clarkcolor.com. You won't be disappointed. They give you the FIRST 20 prints FREE! And after that they are only .08 cents a copy. And downloading them takes just a couple of minutes. Believe me, I've tried walmart and walgreens. It was ok, the pictures were of good quality, but the cost of $.15 cents a copy just doesn't compare with $.08 cents a copy. If you want to see your digital pictures in print, check out Clarkcolor.com. And when you think you are getting a good price with WalMart prints, check out Clarkcolor.com, because you will certainly find that the quality and price will be more pleasing to your wallet.
As you know, I recently had a birthday. Well, it's now official, I am over 50! But I don't feel like it. Oh, when I had those issues with my back and neck, I felt like I was 60, but now I am feeling like I am 42! So, with so much of life yet to live, I am grateful to have this opportunity to begin again!
I want to wish you the best of days.