It's come to the time, tomorrow I start selling off old books, coats, shoes, clothes, children's things, and my heart, my knitting magazines and books. Now, it brought tears to my eyes when I put a price on my knitting books. I've spent a lifetime reading about knitting, knitting, and learning various styles of knitting. So, whether the knitting books sell will depend, because I am not parting with them cheaply., I have gone online to to find out what those books would be worth were I to buy them used, and priced accordingly. Some books I will give away, FREE, and some of the old shelves, and knick knacks around my house I will part with for a song, but my crystal champagne glasses, crystal clocks and figurines are things that I have because over the years you collect stuff. And those stuff, I love, so parting with some of them will be difficult, but I will for the right price. I don't want to price too high, but I also don't want to devalue my years of collecting.
So... it's going to be a wonderful experience since I haven't had a garage sale in years, but it's also going to be a pleasure to get some of this stuff just cleared out. I was once a dressmaker, now I use my computer practically 3-4 hours a day. Once I knitted sweaters, and crotchet aftghans. now I put puzzles together. While the kids were young and I spent time reading childrens books, now I take my grandchildren to the library and borrow their books. Once I spent long hours in the kitchen cooking being inspired by music on CD, now I have a iTune and it's quite compact. Once I played with my childrens organ, now it sits in a closet collecting dust. The things we collect over periods in our life truly gets out of hand when we don't go through it when we are done with those things. And I am sure you've heard the phrase, "one mans junk, another man's treasure". So, while the things i once cherished, are now dust collectors, they might fit just right in someone else's life.I am hoping for the best. Wirting to live, living to write.