Being a Democrat has it's advantages I will admit. Such as not being so constrained by class that you can't see where you're walking is on the little people:( !But this past week has made me understand so much more. You see, I always knew that I wasn't a republican, but temporarily, their words were making sense to me, but thanks to the candidate for President these days, I am almost willing to hope that "Yes, We Can", fix the problems with health insurance. "Yes, We Can", end a senseless war, "Yes, We Can", provide better education for my grandchildren.
It's not going to be easy, because it was painful getting in this current situation, but after watching was President Clinton did while he was in office, I am willing to give the same opportunity to Candidate Barrack Obama. For the first time in my life, I made a campaign contribution. And I am not saying that to get any credit, but I just wanted to be a part of something great. I encourage you to look and listen with an open mind to Candidate Barrack Obama's words, and see if it doesn't encourage you hope for a better future. After all, We are not blue, or red, but we are Americans:)
I am attending and participating in my 1st office party today:) I am taking in fruit! Grapes, strawberries, blue berries, and pineapple! MMmm! I tell you, this working for money is great, but I have gained more than five pounds, and I was already a little heavy, so now, I am challenged with my weight. I am going to have to put a little pep in my step, and see if I cannot walk off some of the weight that I have gained. My plan to lose of course is to walk... Low impact stretching. And due to osteoarthritis I need to be careful, but I am willing.
My grand daughter Amani, is nearly ready to crawl! You know how they say, you need to crawl before you walk!, well, she's been in a walker strengthening her legs! But when we put her in the floor, she's going to crawl! Yeah. And, question???? What do we do with all that drool???? Do you think we could sell it as a Look Younger Mask? Crazy, but Do You Think We Could?????
Faith, my older grand daughter began 3rd grade last week! Yeah! We are working hard with her to get her to reach her potential in a school that is diverse and underpriviledged. My daughter is taking the time to help out, and I think that's going to make the largest difference in my grand daughter's life:)
My husband and I just celebrated our 31st year anniversary, and he experienced his 30th year anniversary in the Federal Government:) What a month August has been! To top all of that off, the heat that we experienced in July, was made better in Aug with an unusual amount of rain. It not only cooled things off, but it made it appear so much better outside for the foliage to get the water! Beautiful.
Well, this working woman is off to accomplish my short day. You enjoy yours!